Visuals At Baggen
Perfoming Live

About the project
I made some different visuals for 3 DJ’s  where i performed them at the night club Baggen. The whole project are 3 different projects all made in Touch Designer where i combine the three projects and perfoms it live.

The first one is some audio responsive particles reacting on bass, kicks, high tones and mid tones. All sounds affect something different in the particles as the speed of the motion or the colour of the system. It is pretty self sufficient and will fit the music as it reacts through the night.

The second one is a lot of noise, feedback, levels and limits creating this grid pattern where i can adjust at different parameters live. Where the particle system are more self sufficient, the grid based one has to be controlled by someone to make changes. I put up different buttons and controls in Touch Designer to control the Visual in the best way possible. Trying to make interesting different forms and figures while adjusting light colour and making it all fit to the music.

The third one is a simple text animation where i faded it in to some of the other visuals making different variations and combinations of the three visuals.